
Showing posts from August, 2019

Returning Home: Reflections and Hopes

The last night that we were in Norway was the eve of Vivi’s birthday. We very much wanted to celebrate that event with her. We planned a dinner at the restaurant at the Akerhus, a special location for celebrating special days among Oslo’s residents. Vivi called her elder sister, Randi, to join us. Randi was delighted. Randi spent a few years in upstate New York starting a retail business for fishing and other outdoor pursuits. She came to visit my parents with her mother when she was in New York. Ken and I were living in Melrose; Kurt was just 3 and Steven was 6 months old. Randi is the first Norwegian cousin I had met so she was the first cousin who helped me understand and appreciate the Norwegian heritage we share. Randi now   lives near her daughter Tanya and grandchildren in a flat about 30 minutes outside Oslo.   We arranged to meet her near the entrance to the Akerhus park. Kaelen was so interested to meet Randi. They had such an easy conversation as we made ou